4 Kasım 2007 Pazar

Yeni Şiir - Charles Wright

Denize benzemeyecek,
Ne tıknaz ellerinde kir olacak
Ne yansıtacak havamızı.

Adını söylemeyecek bize
Ya da rüyalarını,
Fotojenik de olmayacak.

Acımızı paylaşacağını sanmayın,
Ne avutacak çocuklarımızı
Ne de yardımcımız olacak.

The New Poem

It will not resemble the sea.
It will not have dirt on its thick hands
It will not be part of the weather.

It will not reveal its name.
It will not have dreams you can count on.
It will not be photogenic.

It will not attend our sorrow.
It will not console our children.
It will not be able to help us.

21 Haziran 2007 Perşembe

As I Rise From Dead - Cahit Zarifoğlu

Fog horns started to moan, offsprings
are there now - Love should move from its bed in frenzy
You should too, from your bed with a shooting star
Taking flames on your body
Grabbing arms of a bony young lover
You, at moments when blood cannot hang on to the vein
With your abdomen
Deceiving me to another eye clash
Find my introversive animals with your entreaties
I am grieved
Maybe despised with the world

Come forth and show up all of a sudden
Do not say it is flooded black and flows dark -
Your checking-my-body-out should be different
from THOSE...
THOSE WOMEN ready for love

When people are loveless, streets
are full of banks
Those girls get used to wetting my hands
with waters that are not heart

- so now to escape - even when we are always face to face-
- warm home alcoves
let the bridges still conceal
dark bodies

Everthing is for them - they are dandy
I suddenly await an angel with the old turkish tunes
Your making an elegant pocket watch
out of asia without chiseling
Your begging Asia Asia Asia
Suddenly I add to you my destiny and myself
Ready for love, hungry for love, and invited
I await an angel suddenly
Who rise on foot with Asia
Angels with tradition in their hands
Spears through which milk streams pass swiftly

...to be continued

25 Mart 2007 Pazar

Poem of the Holy Blue Child - Cahit Zarifoglu

Your hands ascended
up to the center of the sky
On the farm field
Whose glance nailed down
To the soil of the Earth
He was unaware as he waited
And they were unaware either

Is it that waters have noticed
Or mountains have felt
Or a flower all of a sudden

One day
Any random moment
But a steel moment
As with everything
All of them raised their heads
And immediately shadow of their hands
fell on their faces

It was chaotic, ambiguous and prolonged
And the shadow of an eagle passed
Over the feet of Zoroaster

1 Şubat 2007 Perşembe

Seni İstemiyorum Petrol - Majid Naficy

Seni istemiyorum petrol! Defol Amerika!
Benim için yandığını düşünmüştüm,
Uzun zaman.
Anladım ki, yanan benmişim senin için.

Hoş olmadığını söylemiyorum,
Bir ısıtıcının yanında oturup
Yere düşen kar tanelerini,
Ya da kuru bir araziye hayat veren
Su motorlarını seyretmenin.
Yine de inanmıyorum sana,
Yedi başlı ejderha!
Hâlâ yakmakta memleketimi
Ağzından fışkıran ateş.

Senin okulunda öğrendim
Kölece hizmeti, ki kabilenin reisi
Okutsun çocuklarını Londra'da.
"Adil bir dünya"ya dair hayallerimi
Terk etmeye zorladı
Muhammara'daki Imparatorluk ordusu.
Yeni kölelik anlaşmalarının yazıldığı
Bir mürekkebe dönüştü
Sokakta akan kanım.
Hatanın büyük kapılarını açan
Anahtar sendin.
Bugün de ey Deccal!
Senin sırtına binmiş sözde Mesih.

Sen döndürdün bu ülkeyi cennete, (1)
Botlarını sen parlattın.
Yükselten sendin şu yedi başlı klubü,
Ne zaman devirmek istediysem
Güçlendirdin sallanan gövdesini
Sağlam direklerinle.
Hayır, istemiyorum!
Seni istemiyorum petrol!
Kanlı ırmak seni!
Bana kan verdiğini düşünmüştüm
Uzun zaman
Anladım ki kanatan senmişsin beni

(1) Şair ABD'de yaşıyor.

I Do Not Want You, Petroleum

I don't want you, petroleum!
For a long time,
I thought that you burnt for me.
Now I see that I am burning for you.

I'm not saying that it's not pleasant
Sitting near a kerosine heater
And enjoying the falling snow.
Or the working water pumps
In the empty plain.
And yet, I can not believe you,
Seven-headed dragon!
Fire still spews forth from your mouth
To the soul of my homeland.

In your school I learned servitude,
So that the Khan of the tribe
Could send his son to London,
The Imperial Army in Mohammara
Forced me to abandon
The dream of a "House of Justice."
On the street my blood was shed,
It turned into ink
For the pens which wrote
The new contracts of slavery.
The grand gates of falsehood
Opened with your keys.
Today the promised Messiah rides
On you, donkey of the Antichrist.

You raised this state to the heavenly throne
And polished its boots to a sheen.
You raised its seven-headed club
And whenever I tried to pull it down
You reinforced its shaky body
With your sturdy beams.
No! I don't want!
I don't want you, petroleum!
Oh, bloody stream!
For a long time,
I thought you gave me blood.
Now I see, you made me bleed.

8 Ocak 2007 Pazartesi

Başkalaşım - David Ignatow

http://www.lynnesaundersart.comÇarpınca kayaya, kayalaştı birden
Acıyla sertleşti
Acı silindi, hafifliğe büründü
Ferahlık oldu
Hareket etmeye başladı, hareket oldu
Bir kez daha rastlayınca kayaya
Diz üstü çöktü
Hatırlayıp geçmişini.

Dizleri değişime dayanak oldu
Bilmek istedi ve bir çeşit merak oldu
Kendine bütün noktalardan dokundu
Kendi elleri oldu
Değişimi hatırladı dokununca taşa
Hatırlamak oldu
Ve şimdi karanlıkta
Kayadan kayaya
Çevik adımlarla dolaşmakta.

The Metamorphosis

Bumping against rock in the dark,
he becomes the rock, stiffening in pain.
The pain fades and he becomes the lightness
and relief. He moves
and becomes the movement.
A rock in his path once more,
he falls to his knees
in awe of his past self.

His knees make him a suppliant
of his changes. He seeks to know
and becomes a form of the curious.
He touches himself at all points
and becomes his hands.
They touch stone,
a change he remembers,
and he becomes the remembrance
and moves nimbly in the dark
from rock to rock.

2 Ocak 2007 Salı

Where is over there, here is a man - Cahit Zarifoğlu

Stones snatch the fear
when the darkness pulls down the curtain
the eye closes the room in blues
the hand sleeps, and the fish in the aquarium
like a picture of a river

There was such a flower
the alley in the dream grows grows
grows grows grows
one who smashes the space in a night
and holds a hand
reclining the head to the wall allover
whose noise is as gross as the woods
the child paving a way for the sun and wrestling
a lighthouse, which is late
with all its arrivals

Begs the hour hastily
The blood-carrying vein accrues the dawn
My name compells the most feared truth
that is called by the door
the one entered with heads down
There was such a flower
whose capillary roots
were of the era's walls of jolt
it is a man here
of the diameter of a love
kind of detained in jail
when the streaming water awakes, man
is an ant who wants to cross the water
stamping on his hands of the flames of a stone
when the man escapes
he does not leave his possessions in the sleep


Korkuyu kapışır taşlar
karanlık kendine çekince perdeyi
göz hüzünle odayı kapar
el uyur ve akvaryumda balık
resmi çekilmiş nehir

Böyle bir çiçek vardı
Rüyadaki geçit büyüyüp büyüyüp
Büyüyüp büyüyüp büyüyüp
Espası bir tek gecede
Ezip el tutan
Alnının bütün bir duvara dayayan
ve sesleri bir orman büyüklüğünde
güneşe yol yapan çocuk
güreşip bütün gelişleriyle
gecikmiş bir deniz feneri

Saati yalvarır hızla
Şafağı çoğaltır kan akan damar
Adım zorlar kapıya çağrılan
En korkulan gerçeği
Bir boyun eğişle girilen
böyle bir çiçek vardı
kılcal kökleri
çağın sarsıntı duvarlarından
burası bir adam
bir aşk çapında
bir çeşit hapishane tutulan
akıp giden su uyanınca adam
suyu geçmek isteyen karınca
bir taşın alevinden basarak ellerine
kaçınca adam
bırakmaz eşyasını da uykuda.

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